
April 6, 2012

Springfield reproductive health policy narrowly passes

Springfield reproductive health policy narrowly passes: It's raised legal, ethical and religious questions and caused arguments but some say it could be the answer for a public school system where 28 percent of 7th graders have reported having sexual intercourse.

Condom Policy Approved!

I am happy this was passed!
Pull the reins all of those concerned! I don't think people should make assumptions. You are rediculous to say we are condoning sex for 12 year olds. I have a 12 year old in the public school and wanted this policy to pass. 1. I met a young person with HIV as young as 11 years old. 2. It is ensuring a young persons future and access to health care. 3. The Springfield Parent Academy offers Workshops on an evidence based curriculum in regards to talking with teens around sexual adolescent health.
We need to think about all of the consequences that comes with having sex. Children are raising babies!
We need to put an end to it. Abstinence is number one but, if they are going to have sex which they are having it,, why not give them protection.
In order to recieve a condom the young person needs to go speak with their nurse in confidence and will be educated and counseled first.
Yes, the education should come from parents first but, the reality is some parents are embarrased because the way they were brought up to even bring up the topic about sex.

March 31, 2012

Clip from Fox News about the proposed Condom Availibility Policy in Springfield, MA

Springfield schools approve condom policy:

Listen to this video(Condom Policy)

Listen to the Evidence and numbers!

School-Based Condom Availability Programs Increase Condom Use and May DecreaseSexual Activity

A Recent Study of Condom Availability in Holyoke Public Schools Shows Positive Results Increased condom availability in Holyoke Public Schools corresponded with a significant decrease in sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among teen boys.

  • During the study period, Springfield experienced an increase in STIs among teen boys.
  • Condom Availability Programs Are Supported by Educators and Medical Professionals
  • The Massachusetts Board of Education recommends that every school committee, in consultation with superintendents, administrators, faculty, parents and students consider making condoms available in schools.
  • The Institute of Medicine, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Medical Association have all adopted policies recommending that condoms be made available to adolescents as part of comprehensive school health programs.

Sources: Blake, Susan M, et al. (2003). Condom Availability Programs in Massachusetts High Schools: Relationships with Condom Use and Sexual Behavior (2004). American Journal of Public Health, 93(6): 955-962. Furstenburg, FF, et al. (1997). Philadelphia’s Health Resource Centers. Family Planning Perspectives, 29: 123-127. Guttmacher S, et al. (1997).Condom Availability in New York City Public Schools: Relationships to Condom Use and Sexual Behavior.American Journal of Public Health, American Journal of Public Health, 87:1427-1433. Shafii, Taraneh et al. (2004). Is Condom Use Habit Forming? Condom Use at Sexual Debut and Subsequent Condom Use. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 31(6): 366-372.

Controversy Over the Proposed Condom Availability Policy in Springfield, MA

Please post your comments and/or questions? I am part of the committe that is trying to push this policy through.  We are a team of dedicated individuals looking to help reduce the rate of teen pregnancy rates in Springfield, MA. 

Controversy Over the Proposed Condom Availability Policy in Springfield, MA

Tell Me what you think about the proposed Condom Availability Policy in Springfield, MA.

March 16, 2012

Tell Me What you think about Teen Pregnancy?

Do you think Springfield Ma School Committee should pass the new proposed condom Policy? Why or Why Not? Does it bother you youth as young as 12 years old.

February 4, 2012

Concerned Christy wants to know!

This blog is about making a difference in the lives of teens! What's going on with teens these days? Do teens have advocates or do they know how to advocate for themselves! Changing society one opinion at a time!